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    29.04.2024 Review

    Tragedies of the Nazi era – the fates of persecuted people

    A project by the 10th class (26.04.24) Stolpersteine are more than just memorial stones. They are reminders of the victims of National Socialism that are embedded in the pavement of European cities and carry a strong message. In total, they can be found in 21 European countries, a testimony to the far-reaching significance of this […]


    26.04.2024 Review

    Spring concert delights with musical diversity

    An impressive spring concert took place at the iDSB on Tuesday evening, delighting the school community with a wide range of musical performances. From ensemble pieces to solo performances, the students demonstrated their skills and diversity in an impressive way. An evening full of emotions and unforgettable moments!


    19.04.2024 Review

    We proudly present the winning design of our limited edition design competition for our school jumpers!

    At the beginning of this year, we organised a limited edition design competition for our school sweatshirt at our secondary school. We were impressed by the many creative ideas submitted by our students. After careful review and voting, the winner was announced yesterday at our school assembly. His abstract design, which represents the school in […]


    10.04.2024 Review

    Musical adventure at the Flagey

    “Découvrez l’orchestre” – Off to the Flagey to see the Brussels Philharmonics!Shortly before the Easter holidays, the children in Years 3 and 4 experienced a very special musical highlight as part of their music lessons. The ReMuA organisation presented Peter Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” together with the Brussels Philharmonics. In preparation, we were given an exciting presentation […]


    09.04.2024 Review

    Easter celebration in KiBi

    The children at the kindergarten had a wonderful time at their Easter party on 27 March 2024, their eyes shining with excitement and anticipation for the Easter bunny’s visit. Together, they explored the garden and eagerly searched for the hidden Easter surprises. In between, Easter songs were sung and an Easter theatre was performed, which […]


    08.04.2024 Review

    News from the iDSB school radio AG

    The school radio team is pleased to present its new programme. The 15-minute programme includes the following items: Introduction of the Radio AG members Excursion of year 12 to Königsmünster Abbey in Meschede (religion department) Gondolas in Venice Carnival in Bonn Interview about the Do-it! day in year 5 Have fun listening!


    27.03.2024 Review

    Youth Music Competition in Warsaw

    Some of our talented students took part in the Jugend Musiziert national competition in Warsaw from 20-24 March 2020 and achieved great success. Congratulations on their impressive achievements! We are thrilled to announce that the iDSB will be organising next year’s national competition in Brussels. Make a note of the date: 19-24 March 2025. Let’s […]


    26.03.2024 Review

    Easter party in the Bunte Zeit

    “Has anyone seen the Easter bunny?” That was the question asked by some of the children at Colourful Time last Friday, 22 March 2024, as the annual Easter party took place. While the pupils were busy with fun games and exciting quizzes, the Easter bunny must have hopped through the building, because suddenly the children’s […]


    20.03.2024 Review

    Unidos en la diversidad – United in diversity

    Today, the students of the 9th-grade Spanish class, along with their exchange partners and the teachers Ms. Rademaker (Deutsche Schule Zaragoza) and Ms. Madariaga (IDSB), visited the Parlamentarium. It was an enriching experience to discover the essence of Europe.


    19.03.2024 Review

    Visit of Prime Minister Oliver Paasch at the International German School Brussels

    Brussels, March 15, 2024 – Today, we had the extraordinary honor of welcoming the Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community, Oliver Paasch, to our campus. During his visit, the Prime Minister explored our school and engaged in an inspiring panel discussion with students from grades 9 to 12 in the auditorium. Moderated by two students […]


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