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    23.06.2023 Review

    We are in the wo.mag magazine of Wezembeek-Oppem

    On the occasion of our 220th anniversary, there was an interviewie with our headmaster, Jochen Flohn, and our head of administration, Petra van den Beukel, with the community magazine of Wezembeek-Oppem. You can read the interview HERE.


    22.06.2023 Review

    Official award of the “Excellent German Foreign School”

    Yesterday we were officially awarded the seal of quality “Excellent German School Abroad” by Ambassador Kotthaus. The Bund-Länder-Inspektion confirmed that we are an excellent German school abroad. For this purpose, we were intensively put through our paces for one week. In addition to analysing documents and visiting 71 teaching units, interviews served as sources of […]


    20.06.2023 Review

    The big iDSB summer party

    The big iDSB summer festival took place on Saturday in the best weather. The family programme started in the early afternoon with numerous activities for the children, such as bouncy castles, face painting, circus games and much more. Beaming children’s faces, happy laughter and a great atmosphere made for a relaxed afternoon for young and […]


    16.06.2023 Review

    Visit of the Hessian State Secretary

    The State Secretary of the Hessian Ministry of Education wanted to gain an insight into our school life by visiting our school. Dr Lösel was accompanied by the Head of the Hessian Representation, Mr Haider, and was informed about current projects by Dr Nozar, Mrs van den Beukel and the school management during a tour […]


    15.06.2023 Review

    Visit of the educators’ school of the abbey of Seligenthal

    On the occasion of the visit of the nursery school of Seligenthal Abbey in Landshut, the responsible persons sent us an article which we are happy to share with the school community: “We would like to tell you about an exciting visit that recently gave us the opportunity to explore new possibilities for cooperation. Our […]


    13.06.2023 Review

    Per aspera ad astra! (through hardship one reaches the starts – as the Romans would have said)

    Four years ago, Antoinette Moretus Platin de Bouchout decided to take part in the Latin workshop. Since she enjoyed learning this language very much and in order to be able to make better use of what she had learned later on, she decided to take Latin as her third foreign language during the 8th grade. […]


    12.06.2023 Review

    The iDSB in Europe’s oldest Jewish radio station

    On 9 June 2023, two students from the iDSB were invited to take part in an interview with Mrs Aviva Abelew and two other students from Elsene on Europe’s oldest Jewish radio station, Radio Judaica. These young people, together with many other students from Belgium, were able to go on a deeply moving study trip […]


    06.06.2023 Review

    The iDSB interviewed by BRF1

    On the occasion of the 220th anniversary of the iDSB, the Beldgian Broadcasting Corporation interviewed our school management about the school’s history and current affairs. You can listen to the entire interview and read the article HERE


    05.06.2023 Review

    Reading with Anna Kuschnarowa

    A special event took place in the primary school’s amphitheatre on 1 June: Anna Kuschnarowa, a very well-known author of books for young people in Germany, read her book “Kinshasa Dreams” to the pupils of grade 11 and some guests. But it was not only the very moving readings from the youth novel about flight, […]


    05.06.2023 Review

    Invitation to the residence of the German ambassador

    The German Ambassador, Martin Kotthaus, invited students of the 10th and 11th classes of the Lycée francais and the iDSB to eat pizza and hamburgers with his French colleague to learn about the activities that both schools run. In bright sunshine, the event began in the garden with a welcome and continued with presentations inside. […]


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