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    31.03.2023 Review

    School radio – the fifth

    In the March edition of the school radio group there are again exciting contributions. It’s about the race to the moon, a popular internet prank and the project day “Thick Sweater Day” at the iDSB. Please click on the picture to listen.


    31.03.2023 Review

    Easter bunnies loose at the primary school

    The Easter Bunny has been busy! And fortunately, so have the children in the last few weeks! We eagerly made little Easter boxes during the colourful time and today was the day: they were finally filled and we were allowed to go in search of the chocolatey gold in the schoolyard. Funny games like egg […]


    31.03.2023 Review

    Religion classes distribute food to the homeless

    In March, several students and mothers accompanied the STREET KINDESS team from Serve the City under the guidance of Dr. Wernig. The day started with the preparation of lunch bags that everyone brought with them. We met at the Metro Kraainem in the late morning, where we were already able to make the first homeless […]


    31.03.2023 Review

    Rubbish collection campaign in the colourful time and pupils’ club

    Spring is just around the corner and not only the blossoming spring flowers can be observed in nature – unfortunately, carelessly discarded rubbish is also lying around everywhere. That’s why the Bunte Zeit and Pupils’ Club children volunteered to collect the rubbish lying around the area. Many thanks!


    30.03.2023 Review

    Jugend musiziert national competition of German schools abroad in Oslo

    From Friday, 17.03. to Tuesday, 21.03., five pupils of the IDSB, who had qualified for the national competition at the regional competition “Jugend Musiziert” through outstanding performances and first prizes in each case, travelled to Oslo, where the German School there was the host this year. Sophia Wurst (piano), Lucas Lim (piano), Ava Schilb (classical […]


    30.03.2023 Review

    Religion in a different way – a trip to Rome

    In March, the 10th graders took part in a study trip to Rome as part of the religion course. This five-day trip to the eternal city was the best and most interesting class trip I have ever been on. I really enjoyed this trip and learnt a lot because although it was not my first […]


    30.03.2023 Review

    In memory of the children of Izieu

    La rafle d’Izieu Le matin du 6 avril 1944 des hommes de la Gestapo allemande ont arrêté 44 enfants et 7 éducateurs à la maison d’Izieu qui accueillaient des enfants juifs. Les enfants ont été emmenés à Drancy avant d’être envoyés au camp d’Auschwitz où ils perdront la vie. En cours de route , un […]


    16.03.2023 Review

    Dutch in a different way

    On Monday, pupils from the 10th and 11th classes, who study Dutch, went to a beatboxing workshop in the afternoon at the cultural centre De Kam. The local TV station RingTV reported on it. You can find the report here. It starts at 1:26 and talks about the beatboxing workshop: https://www.ringtv.be/video/over-de-rand-gemeenschapscentrum-de-kam There is also a […]


    15.03.2023 Review

    Digital transformation – an interview with Nicole Bordelais

    The focus of didacta was on the megatrends of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, shortage of skilled workers, mental health, education for sustainable development and democracy building. The twice-yearly magazine “didacta – The Magazine for Lifelong Learning” took up these topics. We are pleased to have been able to place ourselves in the magazine with an interview […]


    14.03.2023 Review

    Rescue makes school

    The only thing you can do wrong: do nothing. On Saturday and Sunday, 20 students from our secondary school completed a first aid course. In a variety of practical case studies, they were able to demonstrate their skills and their new knowledge in first aid. Self-protection comes first, securing and shielding the accident site, stretching […]


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