It is often said that school is not the right place to prepare children and young people for “real life”.We, the team behind Tu-es-day, believe in a sustainable school of the future, in which learning opportunities are created where lifelong learning is possible. Since this school year, we have been working on giving the 5th […]
On Wednesday 29 November, a public information event on the new building took place in the presence of the German ambassador and the mayor of Wezembeek-Oppem. In addition to the school community, the neighbours were also invited. The architects and the German building authorities gave a comprehensive presentation on the status of the project.
On 22 January 2024, the school association’s New Year’s reception will take place at 7.30 pm, to which the school community is cordially invited. The theme of the evening will be Franco-German friendship (anniversary of the Elysée Treaty). Secondary school students from our school and the Lycée Francais will help organise the evening. The ambassadors […]
On Human Rights Day (10 December), the years 11 and 12 of the philosophy course led by Roja Behnam and Anna Vogel took part in Amnesty International’s letter marathon. The students took an in-depth look at human rights and specific cases of human rights violations and wrote letters to those affected and members of the […]
On 12 December 2023, there was a special event for the KiBi and Year 1 and 2 children! Polly, a little girl who tries to earn a little money for herself and her sick mother with her flute, came to visit. But when an evil crow steals her flute, she sets off on an exciting […]
As every year, the anticipation of Christmas begins in the library with the Advent calendar.From 1 December, however, we don’t open little doors but little packages.Every day, a different class in the library gets to unwrap a new book and, if they wish, borrow it straight away.The library team is looking forward to seeing you!
On Tuesday, 29 November, an exciting annual event took place in our assembly hall – the reading competition for Year 6. Six pupils from Years 6a and 6b took part. In the first round, they read exciting passages from their own chosen young adult novels, in the second round they read excerpts from a text […]
On 9 December 2023, six dedicated iDSB teachers used their free time to do good in a Serve the City campaign in Brussels city centre. The group showed their full commitment by preparing a delicious lunch and distributing it to the homeless along with packed lunches, hygiene kits, coffee, tea, water, hats, scarves, jackets, socks […]
On 5 December, the year 5 reading competition took place in our school assembly hall. Six pupils from Years 5a and 5b competed to demonstrate their reading skills. In the first round, all participants chose a passage from a young adult novel and brought the stories to life with great commitment and expressiveness. In the […]
Am 06. Dezember hatten wir im Kindergarten und in der Grundschule einen ganz besonderen Gast – den Nikolaus höchstpersönlich! Mit strahlenden Kinderaugen wurde der Nikolaus begrüßt. Die Freude und Aufregung der Kinder erfüllten das Amphitheater. Die Kleinen lauschten gespannt den wundervollen Weihnachtsliedern von den 1., 3. und 4. Klassen und den zauberhaften Gedichten der 2. […]