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  • Psychological-Pedagogical Service

    Support for children, parents, teachers and school

    Children, parents, teachers and the school are at the centre of the work of the Psychological-Pedagogical Service (PPD). Its aim is to stimulate personality development, strengthen the community and promote well-being at school.

    The multi-professional team supports and advises on the challenges of everyday school life as needed in confidential individual conversations, by means of group activities or through system support.

    Here’s how we do it:

    • We advise, coach and accompany children, parents and teachers through the challenges of everyday school life with the aim of improving the class and school climate.
    • We advise and accompany in diagnostic processes in order to be able to ensure appropriate support and treatment.
    • We create support plans for pupils in order to optimise learning and performance (LRS, dyscalculia, ADHD).
    • We take part in class conferences and pedagogical conferences in order to be able to contribute to the implementation of support measures.
    • We coordinate the cooperation between the school and our external network of helpers and arrange contacts with external specialists (if required) in order to be able to guarantee effective and sustainable help.
    • We plan, implement and evaluate projects and activities for pupils to strengthen life and social skills.
    • We accompany class trips in order to observe group dynamic processes and to offer recreational and experiential education.
    • We organise further training and lectures for parents and teachers to expand and deepen knowledge and skills in dealing with children and young people.

    Ulrike Lehmann

    Special educator

    Mathilde Greiler


    Caroline Krämer

    Social worker


    Psychopedagogical service

    +32.2.785 01 45


    Unsere Sponsoren und Partner
    Our partners

    International anerkannt
    Internationally accredited