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  • This is important to us

    Diversity as a chance

    With an eye to the future, we prepare our students today for the world of tomorrow. Individual career guidance, monitoring of learning and targeted support are just as much a part of our high school as orientation aids for choosing a course of study and a career. And these have been extremely popular for years – even beyond our school.

    Every year we organize:

    • Participation of our students in the school’s own job fair or a professional career fair
    • Professionally supervised internships
    • Participation in university information days
    • Preparation for entrance and language tests
    • Individual career counseling by the Federal Employment Agency

    More detailed information can be found in our concept for study and career guidance at the iDSB.


    As part of their specialized high school education, Year 11 students complete a 20-week internship (800 hours) alternating with regular subject classes at the school.
    The internship is divided into two blocks: Late October through the Christmas vacations and Late March through the end of June.

    With the support of the school, our FOS students choose their own internships. This allows them to gain important experience that many others only gain during their studies. A recent internship report from an FOS student doing an internship at the Brandenburg State Representation in Brussels illustrates this very well:

    “On the first day, I was received openly and friendly by the staff of the Brandenburg State Representation. My internship supervisor showed me around the building and the European Quarter in Brussels. On my 3rd working day we visited the European Parliament. There I learned about the history of the EU.

    My first work assignment was to write a script for an image video of the Representation. I also had to create a Prezi presentation about the network of the EU and the tasks of the Representation. In the Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany there are also different events in which I take part. In the first week we had a visit from the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of the State of Brandenburg. On 20.10.2021 we had a team day where we made a trip to Tournai. On 27.10.2021 there is a cabinet meeting with all ministers and the prime minister of the state of Brandenburg.”

    The interlocking of school-based and specialized practical training enables the students to gain a clear professional orientation and technical qualification.

    “Courage is at the beginning of action, luck at the end!” This quote by Democritus describes M.’s student internship excellently for all involved. M. was able to learn about the complexity of the EU by preparing presentations, making an image film and participating in various events on the European stage. However, the implementation of the internship, M.’s willingness to help and the contribution of his intercultural competence was also a benefit for the national representation. All in all, a very successful internship.”

    – Marcel Loserth, Country representative Brandenburg

    Job fair

    When asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” quite a few adolescents answer something like: “Something to do with people,” “Something to do with technology” or “Something to do with media. A clear idea of one’s own professional future looks different, but how can one orient oneself on the job market in view of the nearly 9,500 courses of study offered by German universities and more than 350 state-recognized apprenticeships? Every two years, we offer our students the opportunity to get advice from professionals from a wide range of occupational fields at the iDSB Career Fair. With great success – even beyond the iDSB!e die Gelegenheit, sich von Profis aus verschiedensten Berufsfeldern beraten zu lassen. Mit großem Erfolg – auch über die iDSB hinaus!


    Psychological-pedagogical service


    Support for children, parents, teachers and school

    Children, parents, teachers and school are the focus of the work of the Psychological-Pedagogical Service (PPD). Its goal is to stimulate personality development, strengthen the community and promote well-being at school.

    The multiprofessional team provides support and counseling for challenges in everyday school life, as needed, in confidential one-on-one sessions, through group activity, or through system support.

    Here’s how we approach it:

    • We counsel, coach, and accompany children, parents, and teachers through challenges of everyday school life with the goal of improving classroom and school climate.
    • We advise and assist in diagnostic processes to ensure appropriate support and treatment.
    • We create support plans for students to optimize learning and performance (LRS, dyscalculia, ADHD).
    • We participate in class conferences and pedagogical conferences in order to be able to contribute to the implementation of support measures.
    • We coordinate the cooperation between the school and our external network of helpers and arrange contacts to external specialists (if necessary) in order to be able to guarantee effective and sustainable help.
    • We plan, implement and evaluate projects and activities for students to strengthen life and social skills.We accompany class trips in order to observe group dynamic processes and to offer recreational and experiential education.
    • We organize trainings and lectures for parents and teachers to expand and deepen knowledge and skills in dealing with children and adolescents.


    Anne-Kathrin Albl – social pedagogue 

    Ulrike Lehmann – Special Educator

    Madeleine Mentior – psychologist 


    ppd@idsb.eu oder +32.2.785 01 45

    Inclusion as an opportunity

    Understanding Inclusion & Diversity as an Opportunity – the iDSB is on the Way

    The school’s guiding principle “Everyone reaches his or her goal” is an aspiration for our team that determines our daily actions. Diversity is a characteristic of our school, here everyone learns together. We understand inclusion in a broad sense – breaking down barriers to play, learning and participation. In doing so, we focus on pedagogical quality, systematic teamwork in all areas of everyday school life and cooperation with parents.

    And so we act according to the principle:

    How do we have to design the offers (structures and practices) within our financial possibilities, so that every child can be optimally supported? Together with the school’s Psychological-Pedagogical Service, we find solutions to adapt learning and play to children who have different needs.

    We act on the principle:

    How do we have to design the offers (structures and practices) within our financial possibilities so that every child can be supported in the best possible way? Together with the Psychological-Pedagogical Service of the school, we find solutions to adapt learning and playing to children who have different needs. 

    Learning with goals

    We emphasize a good general education and self-directed and practice-oriented learning. A high number of hours in the written examination subjects as well as a reasonable class size enable optimal preparation for the examinations. At the end of the 12th grade, the examinations for the advanced technical college entrance qualification take place. They include four written examination subjects and an oral examination.

    Main subjects or compulsory written examination subjects within the framework of the Fachhochschulreife examination

    • German
    • Mathematics
    • English
    • Business Administration/Accounting

    Subsidiary subjects or possible oral examination subjects within the framework of the Fachhochschulreife examination

    • Economics
    • Law
    • Natural sciences, social studies, history
    • Business informatics

    More Subjects

    • Sports
    • Optionally, another foreign language (French or Dutch) can be taken
    Unsere Sponsoren und Partner
    Our partners

    International anerkannt
    Internationally accredited