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  • School hours

    Structure of school years & FOS internship

    In grade 11, our FOS students complete two 9- or 11-week internships in a training company in Brussels (Belgium), Germany or worldwide. In this way, school and work in a training company alternate during this training phase.

    In grade 12, our students prepare intensively for the Fachhochschulreife examination.

    Classes at the iDSB begin for all students at 8:00 a.m. and end at 1:15 p.m., 3:40 p.m. or 5:20 p.m., depending on the subjects chosen.

    This is what a typical day of a high school student might look like:

    7:45 am

    Arrival at school

    8:00 am

    Start of lessons

    till 9:30 am

    1st & 2nd lesson 

    bis 9:50 Uhr


    till 11:20 am

    3rd & 4th lesson 

    till 11:40 am


    till 12:25 pm

    5th lesson

    till 12:30 pm


    till 13:15 pm

    6th lesson 

    till 14:10 pm


    till 15:40 pm

    7th & 8th lesson

    till 15:50 pm

    Break (*only for 10th, 11th & 12th grade)

    till 17:20 Uhr

    9th & 10th  lesson (*only for 10th, 11t h& 12th grade)

    All-day offerings

    After class and during the lunch break, work groups (AG) and lunch break activities (MAG) round off the full day with interesting and challenging activities in the artistic, musical and sporting areas.

    Unsere Sponsoren und Partner
    Our partners

    International anerkannt
    Internationally accredited