We move
Play, sports & movement throughout the day! Two hours of sports per school week are just the important basis for an active childhood at our elementary school. In grade 3 and 4, all children go to swimming lessons for half a year, where we can differentiate from beginner swimming to technique training for our excellent swimmers with our trained swimming teachers.
Intensive learning needs movement! In the classroom, we give additional rhythm to concentrated learning times with flexible breaks or small movement exercises as needed. Open forms of teaching offer numerous opportunities for movement in the classroom.
We are proud of our schoolyard: soccer, basketball, climbing activities and numerous play materials handed out by our fourth graders are available to all children. In two large recess blocks, we offer the children enough time to get some fresh air, let off steam in the playground, climb, build in the sand, roll, or …

… to join the supervised ” moving break ” in the elementary school gymnasium!
The “Bewegte Pause” (moving break) in the sports hall is a weekly highlight for all classes. In addition, once a week there is a Relaxed Break and “Mindful Monday Morning” where volunteers can experience a brief respite from the school day. Making shiny golden singing bowls sound, experiencing fantasy stories, and stretching and stretching like a cat during yoga exercises are just a few of the activities we do in a quiet atmosphere. The tranquility refreshes and activates the body and mind.
During the school year, our physical education teachers offer numerous sports events, trips to the ice rink, tournaments, competitions and endurance races with other public and private schools in Belgium.
In the open all-day program of our elementary school, your child will also find plenty of opportunities to participate in sports, games, dance or relaxation activities.