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  • Booklists & Materiallists


    You can buy the textbooks in the German-language Gutenberg bookshop in Brussels or from a retailer of your choice. You will find the Gutenberg bookshop not far from the school at Potaardestraat 26 in 1950 Kraainem: https://gutenbergbuchhandlung.be/

    Contact: gutenberg@skynet.be

    For the 2024/25 school year, the online bookshop Knickmann is offering you the opportunity to order your school books online for the first time. Orders can be placed directly via Knickmann from 24 May to 14 July 2024: PLACE YOUR ORDER. The textbook packages will be delivered to the school during the summer holidays and can be picked up by you at the iDSB shortly before the start of school in the last week of August on the following dates:

    Wed, 28.08: 7:30 to 10:00 am

    Thu, 29.08: 15:00 to 18:30

    Fri, 30 August: 9:00 to 14:00

    Alternatively, textbooks will be handed out to pupils on the first day of school.

    Please note that some students take elective subjects (these are labelled ‘W’ in the lists). Therefore, it may only be necessary to order books for the selected subjects. For example, it is important whether your child has French or English as their first foreign language or which religious education classes they will attend, etc.

    Contact person: Kerstin Karwoth, kerstin.karwoth@idsb.eu


    You can purchase some of the materials when ordering school books from Knickmann or contact the Treasure Trove stationery shop in Tervuren directly. Alternatively, you can also purchase them online or in shops.

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