Music and Art
We sing, make music and we are artists
A major part of music-related professional competence results from active doing and is closely linked to the development of methodological, social and personal competences. Singing and making music together promotes teamwork, empathy and concentration. Getting to know music from different styles awakens interest and thus leads to tolerance of unfamiliar music.
Music is a significant communication and expression tool
- We sing songs
- We experience traditions through music and festivities
- We express movement through music
- We learn how to use sound and Orff instruments
- We experience different styles of music
- We move to rhythms
- We open up and communicate through music
Based on certain themes, seasons, festivals and interests, music and art promotion is project-oriented. In a relaxed atmosphere, the children think, cut, fold and glue with great enthusiasm and joy. Here, the diligent artists regularly produce creative artwork.

Artistic activity is a basic need

- We are creative
- We express ourselves with different materials
- We experience a variety of techniques and methods
- We strengthen our fine motor skills with cutting, gluing, threading, kneading, …
- We learn a lot about artists and their works
- We learn how to deal with and respect our own and other people’s works.
- We work together on projects