Unidos en la diversidad – United in diversity
Today, the students of the 9th-grade Spanish class, along with their exchange partners and the teachers Ms. Rademaker (Deutsche Schule Zaragoza) and Ms. Madariaga (IDSB), visited the Parlamentarium. It was an enriching experience to discover the essence of Europe.
Visit of Prime Minister Oliver Paasch at the International German School Brussels
Brussels, March 15, 2024 – Today, we had the extraordinary honor of welcoming the Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community, Oliver Paasch, to our campus. During his visit, the Prime Minister explored our school and engaged in an inspiring panel discussion with students from grades 9 to 12 in the auditorium. Moderated by two students […]
Kinospaß für Groß und Klein – Filmland Sachsen- Anhalt lädt ein
Der Chef der Staatskanzlei und Minister für Kultur des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Rainer Robra, lädt herzlich am 20. März 2024 zu zwei Filmvorführungen in die Internationale Deutsche Schule Brüssel ein.Der Nachmittag beginnt mit dem Kinderfilm „Spuk unterm Riesenrad“. Anschließend präsentieren wir Ihnen den Roadmovie „More Than Strangers“. Zu beiden Filmen fanden Dreharbeiten auch in Sachsen-Anhalt statt. […]
Visit by the Prime Minister of the German-speaking community Oliver Paasch
On Friday, 15 March 2024 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. we will receive a visit from the Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community Oliver Paasch at the iDSB secondary school. Oliver Paasch will come to the 9th grade and answer the students’ questions as part of a talk show prepared by the students. The German-speaking […]
FOS Student Exchange in Shanghai: An Unforgettable Journey
Our FOS students experienced an exciting and educational week during the student exchange with the German School Shanghai. Arriving on January 28, 2024, their adventure began in the bustling Chinese metropolis. After a long flight on Sunday morning, they finally arrived in Shanghai and had the afternoon to explore the city on their own. The […]
Excursion to the Archéosite et Musée d’Aubechies-Beloe for the 6th class of the iDSB
On 4 March 2024, Year 6 students from the iDSB embarked on an exciting excursion to the Archéosite et Musée d’Aubechies-Beloeil. The journey started at 8.00am by coach, accompanied by bright sunshine, which fuelled the anticipation for the day. Once they arrived in Aubechies, fascinating experiences and workshops awaited the young adventurers. One of the […]
Intercultural exchange: A week full of discoveries with students from the German School Shanghai
In a week full of intercultural encounters and cross-border cooperation, we had the honour of welcoming students from the technical secondary school of the German School Shanghai. This exciting experience was not only an opportunity to explore cultural differences, but also to forge new friendships and broaden horizons. The first day began with a warm […]
Save the planet day – together for a sustainable future!
A different kind of school – last Monday, the iDSB secondary school focussed on various aspects of sustainability. The pupils enjoyed gaining new insights and raising their awareness of various topics. It began in the second lesson with a school event that was largely organised by the pupils. After a brief introduction to the topic […]
Lively discussions in the foyer: iDSB students meet MEP Schneider
On 21 February, the foyer of the international German School Brussels (iDSB) became the setting for a lively dialogue between pupils from Years 12a and 12b and MEP Ms Schneider, who is known for her work on the European Union’s Environment and Agriculture Committee. The discussion centred on the controversial authorisation of the herbicide glyphosate […]
Holiday care at the iDSB
We offer our children in kindergarten and primary school as well as external children all-day holiday care. A colourful programme of activities awaits the little ones. Kindergarten overview For the school year 2023-24, the holiday care in the kindergarten for our toddler and family groups is as follows: Autumn 30.10. – 31.10.2024 and 02.11. – […]