iDSB spring flea market

The next iDSB flea market is just around the corner: on April 5, 2025, it’s back at the school, all in the spirit of spring and in keeping with the Easter season. So take a look in your cupboards, cellar, storerooms and other storage areas to see what you can donate to the clothing exchange. […]
Final of the German-language reading competition in Brussels – IDSB 6b took part!

On 17 February, the time had finally come: the eagerly awaited final of the German-language reading competition in Brussels took place at the North Rhine-Westphalia State Representation. The best readers from Brussels and East Belgium met there – and our school winner Jasper Grauvogel from iDSB 6b was right in the middle of it all! […]
The iDSB school radio celebrates carnival – be part of it!

How does Mr. Verdoodt actually celebrate carnival? Where do you get the best ideas for a creative costume? And what is the craziest thing that has happened to Mr. Leitheiser at carnival? We answer all these questions in our latest school radio show, which is all about carnival. Look forward to exciting stories, funny anecdotes […]
Our iDSB-Newsletter February 2025

Stay up to date with our latest iDSB newsletter. You can read about all the important upcoming dates and information about our school events HERE. Enjoy reading!
Cinema experience at the iDSB – the film state of Saxony-Anhalt invites you

The Head of the State Chancellery and Minister of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt, Rainer Robra, cordially invites you to two film screenings at the International German School Brussels on 26 March 2025. The films will be shown in the Aula of the iDSB. In the afternoon from 15:45 h the children’s film Sieger sein (recommended from […]
Winter sports day at the GS

On 5 February, the entire primary school visited the ice rink in Haasrode. The children had a great day of ice skating, which was not only sporty but also characterised by a strong sense of community. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed their time on the ice. A big thank you to everyone […]
Live: The Dutch course as a guest on Flemish television

Yesterday, Mr Verdoodt’s Dutch class 11ab had the special opportunity to visit the Flemish television station VRT. The students were able to experience first-hand how the television programme ‘De dag van vandaag’ is produced live. An exciting insight behind the scenes of the media world!
International History Bee & Bowl of Benelux – Coming to iDSB!

We are excited to announce that the International History Bee and Bowl of Benelux will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at the International German School of Brussels. This is the first-ever edition of the competition in a Benelux country, bringing an exciting, buzzer-based history tournament to students from all school backgrounds. This tournament, conducted entirely […]
Chandeleur at the iDSB

Yesterday morning, Class 6 were busy baking on the occasion of La Chandeleur, French Crêpes Day! The pupils prepared their own crêpes batter in small groups after discussing a recipe and learning the individual steps. In addition to baking, there was also a creative task on the programme: each group made a short report on […]
GS+ festival on 30.01.

What a great and colourful party! Yesterday afternoon we were able to celebrate the colourful variety of the afternoon programme at our primary school together with children, parents and staff. Stalls with wonderful works of art from the colourful week, club walls with captivating impressions from the various afternoon activities and interactive stations such as […]