Lively discussions in the foyer: iDSB students meet MEP Schneider
On 21 February, the foyer of the international German School Brussels (iDSB) became the setting for a lively dialogue between pupils from Years 12a and 12b and MEP Ms Schneider, who is known for her work on the European Union’s Environment and Agriculture Committee. The discussion centred on the controversial authorisation of the herbicide glyphosate in the EU, the future prospects of sustainable agriculture and the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.
The event was characterised by the excellent moderation of the 12-person team consisting of Paul Harrer, Isabel Gutermuth, Robin Jürss and Paul Lim. Thanks to their moderation, it was possible to hold an informative and stimulating discussion with Mrs Schneider. Ms Schneider contributed her extensive expertise as an agricultural politician, answered questions on the much-discussed glyphosate approval and discussed future challenges and opportunities in the field of sustainable agriculture. She also called on the pupils to get politically involved and vote in the European elections in June.
The discussion with Mrs Schneider offered the pupils a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the European Parliament and to understand the importance of EU policy for everyday life and the future of Europe. The evening was not only informative, but also showed how important and inspiring the exchange between politicians and pupils of the iDSB can be.