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  • 29.01.2024 Review

    Fascinating project by Year 11 pupils – exhibition on the topic of colonial history on 25 January 2024

    The Year 11 pupils at the International German School Brussels have been working intensively on the topic of “Imperialism” in their history lessons for months. The pupils broadened their perspectives by looking at numerous exhibits (e.g. statues, interviews, image sources).

    The project focussed on various countries and their colonial past. It also enabled the pupils to analyse the historical events in detail using key questions, which led to exciting and differentiated findings that highlighted the complexity of the topic.

    The highlight of the project was the elaborately designed exhibition by the Year 11 pupils. The young people were not only responsible for preparing the content, but also for designing and marketing the exhibition. In this way, the students gained new practical experience in project management.

    The presentation of the exhibition became a special event thanks to the active participation of many parents, guests and pupils from Years 9 and 10. The sixth form students acted as guides to accompany the groups of visitors through the exhibition rooms, creating an interactive and lively atmosphere. Interesting and moving presentations were given during the event, highlighting the relationships between different countries. One example was the captivating presentation on the colonial history of France and Algeria, which led to lively discussions among the visitors.

    The successful design of the exhibition and the impressive presentations were highly praised. To round off the event, a buffet was offered, which provided space for further discussions and an informal exchange.

    The Year 11 project was not only a particularly educational historical experience, but also an example of successful teamwork, committed students and a vibrant community at the International German School Brussels.

    Nicola Murphy and Sabrina Lorenz

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