Regional network meeting at the iDSB
On September 27-30, the iDSB hosted the ‘Regional Network Meeting’. This is a meeting of school principals, administrators and board members / administrators from our region (Northern and Western Europe) to exchange ideas about current school challenges of various kinds. A total of about 30 participants from the German schools in London, Geneva, Paris, Helsinki, Copenhagen, The Hague, Dublin, Stockholm, Oslo and Brussels took part. The ZfA (Zentralstelle für Auslandsschulwesen), which is the lead organizer of the meeting, was also present.
Two of the main topics were KI/Chat GPT in schools and how schools are dealing with the planned cuts in funding and human resources from the ZfA. In addition, there was a valuable exchange in the respective groups (school management, administrative management, board of directors) about their specific topic areas.
Due to the intensive and highly interesting discussions and thanks to a very nice supporting program, all participants agreed that this event was a complete success and thus benefits the management and sponsors of each individual school.