News about the new building project
Many of you have certainly seen it. The new building is now casting its first visible shadows: deep drilling in connection with the planned geothermal heating took place in mid-September, and further drilling will take place during the autumn holidays and the week after. Besides these visible signs, a lot is happening in the background. The cooperation with the German authorities, who are financing and implementing the project, is now running smoothly, so the project is progressing well.
The detailed planning for the new building as well as the interim buildings being constructed on the neighbouring property is in full swing. Incidentally, the interim buildings, which will house the secondary school during the construction phase and one of which will be converted for KiBi afterwards, will be built according to the standards for buildings in long-term use. So in many areas (e.g. insulation) they will be much better than our current building, and the interim buildings are also generously planned in terms of space.
In mid-October, a public information event will take place together with the municipality of Wezembeek-Oppem about the new building, to which we will invite the school community separately as soon as the date is fixed.