Invitation to the residence of the German ambassador
The German Ambassador, Martin Kotthaus, invited students of the 10th and 11th classes of the Lycée francais and the iDSB to eat pizza and hamburgers with his French colleague to learn about the activities that both schools run. In bright sunshine, the event began in the garden with a welcome and continued with presentations inside. Our students told about the visit to the European Youth Parliament and the trip to Izieu. A quiz with a total of 24 questions, half in German and half in French, showed which mixed-language table – that was a prerequisite for the seating arrangement – could best answer political and country-related questions.
The pizza and burger dinner that followed was topped off by a specially ordered ice cream van. Mrs Cardinet and Mrs Stanik accompanied the group and everyone agreed that this evening had once again strengthened our relationship with the Lycée francais!