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  • 29.01.2024 Nicht kategorisiert

    Save the planet day on 5 February 2024 – Together for a sustainable future!

    Climate change is becoming increasingly drastic with record temperatures and extreme weather events. Recent events such as the flooding in various parts of Germany emphasise the urgency of taking action. As the Go Green team at iDSB, we are convinced that we as a school community can make a difference in the fight against climate change.

    That’s why we dedicate the first Monday in February to raising awareness about various aspects of sustainability. To show that it’s not just about wearing a thick jumper, but about making an individual and collective contribution to our planet, we have renamed the day – in the spirit of: Save the planet! A varied programme of practical workshops, talks by external experts and activities by individual classes for other classes is planned.

    Vegan break on 5 February 2024: During the lunch break on this day, we will once again be catered for with a varied, purely vegan menu in our bistro

    Our aim is to create space on this morning to deal with the topic of sustainability, to get into conversation and to raise our students’ awareness of the topic and to become active together!

    With sustainable greetings,
    Your Go Green team

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