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  • 10.11.2023 Review

    Latin school trip to Trier

    Leitheiser, went on a day trip to Trier, for which the 4th year students had prepared presentations. After a 3-hour bus journey, we first visited the Porta Nigra and listened to a presentation about it. Our tour continued to the impressive cathedral, then to the Gangolf Church and next to the Basilica of Constantine, which was explained to us very well before the tour. On our way through Trier, we worked together to translate all the Latin inscriptions on houses and churches. After a tour of the palace gardens, we took a short lunch break at around 1 pm. Our next destination was the Imperial Baths, which we were also told a lot about. The next stop, the amphitheatre with its underground corridors, where the animals used to wait before the battle, was very impressive.

    On the way back to the school bus, we visited the Church of Our Lady. We started our return journey shortly before 3pm.

    We would like to thank Dr Wernig and Mr Leitheiser once again for the wonderful excursion!

    By Abigel Ujj-Togyer and Merle Janssen

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