Lunch Bag Promotion in October 2022
A big thank you to everyone who diligently prepared lunches and hygiene bags for Serve the City in October. What a great support from both KiBi and primary and secondary school families! Extra praise goes to Mrs Wernig’s Year 8 Religious Education classes for the bulging hygiene bags – 42 bags were packed!
In total, we distributed over 230 lunch bags, hygiene and care bags, as well as chocolates and snacks, coffee, tea and clothes around the Fedasil Welcome Centre Petit Chateau, the first port of call for asylum seekers in Brussels, which is currently failing to find accommodation for the ever-increasing number of asylum seekers arriving. Hundreds of people sleep for weeks in the area around the Petit Chateau centre.
The people are desperate and happy for a meal and a listening ear. We have seen asylum seekers without socks in flip-flops, or without jackets. They sleep on mattresses soaked by the rain, which they have laid out along the canal, or simply on the floor. There is a lack of everything, not only places to sleep but also possibilities to take a shower or medical care. We received a very friendly welcome from everyone, and many of them thanked us personally for our help.
Thank you very much for making it possible for us to bring joy to these people for a short moment!