• English
  • Upper School Scholarship

    Intensive A-Level Preparation at the iDSB: The Upper School Scholarship

    The German International Baccalaureate, as a globally recognised qualification, prepares pupils specifically for studying, living and working in the German language and cultural area. As a recognised Excellent German School Abroad, the iDSB would like to give young people with an international background in particular more opportunities to prepare intensively for the Abitur in small classes.

    The International German School Brussels therefore offers three-year partial scholarships (waiver of admission fee as well as waiver of 30% of the annual school fees) to attend our upper secondary school (grades 10 to 12).

    Who do we want to support?

    The call for applications is aimed at motivated students – especially with an international background – who would like to achieve their German International Abitur at the iDSB in three years.

    The offer is interesting, for example, for pupils of the European Schools with German as their first foreign language (L2).

    What are the selection criteria?

    Selection criteria are:

    • Motivation and determination
    • Interest in the German education system and German culture
    • A level of German sufficient to follow the lessons well (at least level B2 of the European Framework of Reference)

    What are the formal requirements?

    • Applications are open to newcomers, i.e. students of all school types in grade 9 (grade 10 in the school year of the scholarship) who are not yet members of the iDSB school community. Applications from siblings and/or children of staff members are excluded.
    • The scholarship is only open to pupils whose school fees are borne by a natural person (e.g. parents or other legal guardian). Pupils whose school fees are normally paid or covered by a legal entity (e.g. the parents’ employer) are excluded from the scholarship award.

    What does the scholarship include?

    The scholarship includes:

    • intensive preparation for the Abitur in our gymnasiale Oberstufe (grades 10-12)
    • high quality teaching and a wide range of support opportunities
    • a wide range of musical, artistic and sporting activities beyond the regular lessons.

    Three-year partial scholarships are offered, which cover the admission fee and 30% of the annual fee for the school education at the iDSB. The scholarship does not cover incidental costs for excursions, teaching materials, cafeteria attendance, etc.

    Boarding school accommodation is not possible at the iDSB, but we are happy to assist in finding a host family.

    How can interested students apply?

    Interested parties can apply by e-mail to our Welcome Office with the following documents (aufnahme@idsb.eu):

    • Letter of motivation from the student (approx. 1 DIN A4 page)
    • Scans of school reports from grade 7 onwards
    • Proof of German language skills
    • Other proof (optional)

    If you have any questions, please contact our Welcome Office.


    +32 (0)2 785 0135


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