• Deutsch
  • English
  • Graduation

    Our school-leaving qualifications

    Elementary School

    Elementary school recommendation

    At mid-term and at the end of grade 4, our pupils receive a written recommendation and detailed counselling for the secondary school in grade 5. The decision on the choice of educational pathway is the responsibility of the parents.

    Secondary School


    • Written final examination at the end of the 9th grade in one subject (German or Mathematics).
    • Oral examination (subject is chosen freely)


    • Written final examination at the end of the 10th grade in two subjects (German and English or Mathematics).
    • Oral examination (subject is chosen freely)

    Secondary Technical School

    Vocational baccalaureate

    With the acquisition of the general entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife), students have many options open to them: it entitles them to take up studies in any subject at one of the more than 200 universities of applied sciences (FHH), or universities of applied sciences (HAW) in Germany, as well as at art colleges (specialising in music, theatre, film and visual arts), and in some federal states also to take up a Bachelor’s degree.

    High School

    German International Baccalaureate Examination

    Die Deutsche Internationale Abiturprüfung (DIAP) berechtigt zum Studium an jeder Universität weltweit. Sie gewährt Zugang zu jeder Studienrichtung, ganz unabhängig davon welche Fächer in der Oberstufe gewählt wurden. Sie belegt außerdem die hervorragenden Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (schwerpunktmäßig Englisch) unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler, die in den letzten drei Schuljahren eine umfassende Sprachausbildung mit bilingualen und vollständig fremdsprachlichen Unterrichtseinheiten erhalten.

    Unsere Sponsoren und Partner
    Our partners

    International anerkannt
    Internationally accredited